The IDoA against Contract Cheating is scheduled for October 21. Contract cheating is the action of outsourcing academic work and submitting it as your own.
Please share this opportunity with your students. It will help us raise awarness of the problem of contract cheating and promote academic integrity across the Humber Community. We are looking to encourage our students to take part in an International Creative Student Contest that has three US cash equivalency awards ($150, $100, $50).
The Students Speaking Up for Integrity Contest Theme is My Own Work Helps Me Excel with Integrity. The contest deadline is October 14, 2020 at 5 p.m.. Students can submit any creative work they would like (e.g. TikTok, poem, song, video, artwork, poster....the sky is the limit). More information and entry details can be found here.
I also ask that you consider posting your reasons that integrity in learning is important, posting it to your social media with the hashtags #myownwork #excelwithintegrity.
If you have questions about this email please contact Jennie Miron at