Humber Research Ethics Board: Research and Data Handling during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The federal government (Panel on Research Ethics) recently issued revised guidelines and interpretations related to research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of concern are risks related to privacy and confidentiality of information, including data storage and data handling when using digital platforms and home offices. The need for new security and safety measures to protect participants' information is critical.

Accordingly, Humber faculty and staff conducting research from home are advised to take precautions with research data. Please consider uploading all files to your Humber One Drive ( or using Humber’s remote access (VPN) network ( when accessing your Humber H:/ Drive or I:/Drive.

For further information on the new guidelines, please contact the Humber Research Ethics Board Chair, Dr. Lydia Boyko at, or Jackie Nicol, Operations & Research Ethics Board Coordinator at