Humber College will receive $3 million over five years from Magna International to advance the College's training and leadership in the areas of mechatronics, traditional and digital skilled trades and workforce skills development.
This investment in Humber students will foster the development of the next generation of leaders in Canada's skilled trades and technology industries and builds on more than 20 years of collaboration between Magna and the College. The contribution will provide 22 new scholarships for students as well as support equipment needs and special initiatives of the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation (Barrett CTI), including skills competitions, applied research projects, apprenticeship training, continuing education, and traditional and digital skills training programs.
Magna’s donation will address solutions for the current skills gap by providing students with unique learning experiences while training them to use leading technology and systems currently used in industry. This will give them the in-demand skills needed to succeed, as employers expand Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 technologies.
Magna employees will also benefit from new upskilling opportunities created through this investment.
Read the full media release here.