Teaching Innovation Fund - Apply Today

What's Included:

  • Up to $1,400.00 per investigator to conduct a project focused on a teaching and learning research question
  • A SoTL workbook to guide faculty through the research process
  • Ongoing guidance and support from Teaching+Learning (T+L), from research design through to data collection and analysis
  • Peer mentorship and support

Expectations of Fund Holders:

  • Attend two proposal development workshops, where you will put together your research plan with consultation and feedback from T+L staff and peers
  • Submit a proposal, complete any suggested revisions, and submit a final proposal
  • Apply for approval from the Humber Research Ethics Board (REB) for research involving human participants, where applicable
  • Attend celebratory lunch and a one-on-one data coaching session
  • Submit a final report - either a presentation at Showcase or a brief written report

Application Process:

  • All you need is a research idea and a commitment to attend two 2-hour proposal development workshops
  • Talk to your Senior Dean or Associate Dean about your idea, and ask them to sign your form
  • Submit the completed form to CTLResearch@humber.ca


  • All Faculty (full-time; part-time; partial load) are eligible to apply for the fund
  • Faculty may apply jointly to share a combined, larger amount for a collaborative project
  • The fund CANNOT support research that contributes directly to credentials
  • Faculty that complete research through the fund get priority of application for the scholarly writing boot camps and presenting their research at Teaching and Learning

Deadline to apply: Friday, January 29