HROE Wellness Series – Pause, Recharge, Re-centre

HROE Wellness banner

Building Connections

Connection and connectedness can mean many things to different people. As part of our Wellness Series for Employees, we are striving to help foster virtual connections between employees across Humber. We invite you to participate in some of the happenings currently underway and be sure to stay tuned for more opportunities in the coming weeks.

Virtual Book Club

Looking for another excuse to cuddle up with a good read this month? If so, light your favourite candle, put on your cozy reading socks, and join your colleagues for a virtual book club.

  • Expression of interest
    • If you are interested in hosting and/or joining an all-employee virtual book club, please email us by Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at and include “Expression of interest – Book Club” in the subject line.

Affirmation Card Making

We have partnered with the Principal's Office for another Wednesday Wellness session to promote creativity and encourage self-care.  Please visit our Healthy Work From Home Resources website to pre-register for our event scheduled on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.

As always, throughout the next few weeks, please get social with us using #HealthyHumber.

Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness