New Program Search and Experience Online Learning

There will be some changes to that will improve the way people search for programs and courses on the Humber website.

In order to improve the overall user experience on our website, the Government Relations, Marketing and Communications team has been exploring revising our main Program & Courses Search Module on to be inclusive of all full-time and non-full-time offerings.

Over the past months, we have been working with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning and Corporate Training Solutions to identify how we can improve our presentation of our non-FT certificates, courses and workshops to prospective and returning students, so that they can see the entire breadth of our offerings.

Here’s how it will work:

When you visit the main landing page, under the Programs and Courses Tab, you’ll find four sections: 

  • Full-time Programs
  • Continuous Professional Learning
  • Experience Online Learning
  • Pathways and Transfer Options

Under Full-time Programs, you can now search for online programs. The new Continuous Professional Learning tab also allows you to search by campus location or online. It will combine all Humber offerings that are non-fulltime, like our Continuing Education courses and programs, and workshops offered through the Corporate Training Solutions department. The Experience Online Learning tab will also allow users to move to the Future Students Page that showcases how in-class learning is experienced at Humber. 

Additionally, given the change in our program delivery resulting from the impacts of COVID-19, we need to review how we present our online offerings to those seeking professional and continuing education. 

Finally, it is important that we begin to house all of our non-FT offerings within our main search module in advance of the implementation of the FlexReg project.

This update was made possible by the collaboration of Continuing Education, Corporate Training Solutions, Education Training & Solutions and Community Outreach and Workforce Development.