From introducing students to library resources, supports, and services to developing students’ research skills, Humber Libraries can support your classes:
Introducing our virtual, self-guided library tour: Featuring videos and short activities, students will explore the library website, learn about library supports and services, search Discover, and more in this basic, self-guided and interactive library tour. Integrate this into a first-year class as a helpful addition to your course learning materials. Contact your librarian to embed this library tour into your Blackboard course site.
Ready Set Research! The library is hosting three virtual interactive library orientations in January. Share these workshops with your students as a primer for library research:
Workshop Dates:
- Friday, January 22: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Friday, January 22: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
- Tuesday, January 26: 11a.m. – 12 p.m.
Explore our Research and Digital Literacy Instruction Menu or connect with your librarian to integrate research skills and library resources into your assignments. Your librarian can lead interactive workshops based on your research assignments in Blackboard Collaborate, or create online Blackboard learning modules for enhanced asynchronous learning.