Dear Humber staff,
Last week, the Ontario government has enacted a province-wide shutdown which began over the weekend and will last for a period of at least four weeks.
Teaching and learning at Humber remains unchanged and will continue as scheduled with the current protocols in place.
During this period, staff on campus must be limited to only those necessary for the delivery of in-person learning and campus operations.
For those working on campus, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the health and safety protocols that we have in place and ask for your continued cooperation in helping to make our campuses as safe as possible.
Health and safety measures include:
- Masks or face coverings are mandatory on campus. Exceptions include staff in personal workspaces in which 6 feet/2 metres of physical distancing is possible, or those with a medical exemption. Mask exemptions necessitating accommodations will require verification or medical documentation. This will help determine appropriate accommodation measures specific to the individual. Please use this resource for how to wear a mask safely.
- Physical distancing is to be maintained as much as possible, particularly as cases of variants of concern increase in the community. Where physical distancing is not possible, additional health and safety protocols will be introduced.
- Screening protocol in place each time learners and employees access facilities.
- Required health and safety training and orientation.
- Reduced class sizes based on required class size caps and physical distancing.
In addition to the measures outlined above, staff and students on campus are asked to practice proper, regular hand hygiene by washing their hands and/or using hand sanitizer.
You can find information on how and when to report COVID-19 here. Remember that if you have COVID-19 symptoms, are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, contact the COVID Reporting Health Team at or 416.675.5007.
If any of these apply to your situation, do not come to campus until you have heard back from the COVID Reporting Health Team.
For the latest information, visit
As health and safety is a shared responsibility, we appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to keeping our community safe.
Take care and be well,
Lori Diduch
Vice-President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness