New Commodity/Account Code for 2021 Home Office Expense
Please be advised that a new commodity code 577 and account code 7057 for home office expenses have been created for 2021 reporting purposes. The Employee Reimbursement Form has been updated to reflect this change. This will enable the College to provide necessary home office expense information for T2200 reporting in the future, should the need or requirement to do so arises.
Ordering Supplies When Working From Home
Any supplies and/or equipment required to work from home should be pre-approved by the requestor’s manager prior to any purchase. Managers should reference the Expense Reimbursement Policy and Procedure and should use their discretion with regards to approving items requested due to the need for staff to work from home. Wherever possible, the most cost effective option should be approved. Once approval is granted, the requestor may purchase the supplies and complete the Employee Reimbursement Form, attach electronic copies of receipts and submit their request for reimbursement via email to the Manager that pre-approved their initial request.
Completed Employee Reimbursement forms must include appropriate FOAP allocation and electronic receipts and can be circulated via email to your Manager for approval. Managers are able to approve an employee reimbursement in one of two ways:
- Signing the completed form electronically and emailing the signed form, receipts and FOAP’s to Accounts Payable, or
- Emailing the completed form, receipts and FOAP’s to Accounts Payable indicating their approval in the email.
As per usual practice, staff will be reimbursed by electronic funds transfer. Please keep all original claims and receipts for audit purposes, as we may contact you to provide these up to seven years from original date of claim. Any questions regarding employee reimbursements should be directed to Accounts Payable.
Starting in May 2021, you will be able to submit a request for out of pocket expenses via Chrome River, and approvals will be completed electronically going forward.