Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition

December 7, 2014

Humber is so pleased to be celebrating our recent success at the Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition!
We came in SECOND IN THE PROVINCE, placing in 9 of the 11 events.

Please see our results below:

  • OCMC 2014 - Humber Final Results

Student(s) Name Event Placement

  • Rhys Ottaway Quiz Bowl 2nd Place

Individual Events

  • Shawn Manahan Sales Presentation 3rd Place

Team Case Events:

  • Chris Payne & Ariel Oziewicz Entrepreneurship 1st Place
  • Ashley Palozzi & Troy Von Treuenfels Strategic Marketing 2nd Place
  • Anthony D'Antonio & Taylor Toshiro Tsuji International Marketing 2nd Place
  • Spencer Kome & James Fajardo Integrated Marketing Communications 3rd Place
  • Kyle Lawrence & Bram Zeidenberg Prospect Pitch 3rd Place
  • Qingyu Liang & Todd Stevenson Marketing Research 5th Place
  • Jennifer Vitaro & Tyler Fenton Retail 5th Place

A Very Special Thank you to all our OCMC Faculty Coaches:

  • David Bartolini, Riteshkumar Dalwadi, Peter Jurczak, Christine McCaw, Sheila Moore, Maria Racanelli, Clem Ramchatesingh, Shawn Richards, Nancy Ryan, David Shinwell, Jeff Short, Ellen Sparling.

We would also like to thank Dean Alvina Cassiani and Associate Dean Avril Carnovale for your ongoing, tremendous support of our team!

Thanks to everyone, especially our studnets who worked so hard. We are so proud of you all!

Christine McCaw and Ellen Sparling
Professors, OCMC, MKTG 299 Class