On October 26, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Humber welcomes Dr. Kathy Obear. She is the founder of The Center for Transformation and Change and will lead us through the workshop Be the change you want to see: Co-creating a racially inclusive Humber. Dr. Obear will guide us further in our learning journey about white supremacy and how it is upheld within our institutions and ourselves, and the role white people can play in driving Humber towards racial inclusion and decolonization.
No stranger to Humber and the postsecondary sector, Dr. Obear works with Humber’s and other top leaders at hundreds of universities, human services organizations, and corporations across the United States and internationally to create inclusive, socially just environments.
Register and join us for this virtual session
Contact Lisa Salem-Wiseman or Regan Mancini for any questions about this event.
Learning objectives: Further Humber employee understanding of:
- White supremacy and how it is upheld within our institutions and ourselves
- The role white people can play in driving Humber towards racial inclusion and decolonization