Decarbonizing Canada's Large Buildings - A Pathway Forward

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) is hosting the Decarbonizing Canada's Large Buildings - A Pathway Forward event on Tuesday, December 2, 2021, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST. The panel discussion will feature industry leaders, including Aman Hehar, Associate Director, Energy & Climate Change at Humber College. 

Event description

For Canada to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate targets, building owners and operators will need to upgrade, retrofit, and ultimately decarbonize hundreds of millions of square metres of space.

While governments and real estate industry leaders generally understand the high-level case for deep-carbon retrofits, knowledge gaps remain around building-level assessments and implementation. Before developing policy or making investment decisions, policy-makers and building owners need to understand building retrofit costs and the potential for carbon reductions and energy savings.

CaGBC's most recent market study, Decarbonizing Canada's Large Buildings: A Pathway Forward, provides a pathway to make every large building a zero-carbon building. The study provides building owners and operators with actionable strategies for their buildings' zero-carbon journey.

Join us as we discuss highlights from the study and unpack valuable insights to equip the building sector to scale up and accelerate necessary deep carbon retrofits.

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How to register

You must have a CaGBC account and be signed in to register for this event. Humber College is a national member company which means you can link your individual account to our company roster. 

  • Sign in to your CaGBC profile and go to My CaGBC - My Profile. 
  • Click on Humber College, which appears under your name. You are now on the Humber College account page, where you can find your name on the roster.

If you do not have a CaGBC profile, create one here and select Humber College under Primary Organization

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