Padlet Licenses for Faculty & Staff and webinar on December 8
Padlet is a fantastic educational technology tool that allows educators and students to collaborate in real time or asynchronously in a shared digital space. Padlet is an interactive board where participants can share text, images, videos, links, files, and much more.
The great news? Humber's Centre for Innovative Learning has many Padlet licenses to offer faculty and staff to leverage the power of collaboration and creativity. Our Padlet licenses are ideal for those who need more than three individual Padlet boards throughout the semester or require more than 25MBs for file uploads. If you'd like to request a license, fill out this short form Padlet License Sign-out request.
Join us on for a fun, interactive session with Humber's EDTech Team on Wednesday, December 8 at 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
This session is for you if you are new to Padlet, curious about fun, creative, and productive ideas for students and work teams, or just want to refresh your knowledge and skills. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have any further questions about Padlet or the licenses, please email
EDTech Team, Centre for Innovative Learning