Call for Photos for the 2015 Humber Gallery Exhibit "Global Lens"

September 11, 2015

Calling all faculty and staff!

Humber’s International Centre is looking for YOUR photos to showcase at the 2nd Annual Global Lens – Student and Faculty/Staff Images from Home and Abroad exhibit at the LRC North Campus Gallery from November 9th to 20th, 2015.


Did you know?
Humber is home to over 3,600 international students who represent more than 100 countries around the globe. In addition, close to 500 Humber students and faculty/staff go abroad annually for enriching study and work experiences around the world. This exhibition will be a collection of student and faculty/staff photographs that will showcase the global perspective that our Humber community has gained through travels and studies.

What are we looking for?
Send us photos that creatively show the global perspectives you’ve gained through travel, study, and/or work in Canada or abroad and the value of global citizenship. Your photos should address one of the five themes:

1. Favourite Local Food – Something delicious you have enjoyed at home or abroad
2. Life-Altering Moment – What image captures a special time in your life?
3. Your Favourite Spot – Where is your home away from home?
4. Your Global Identity – Who are you in the world?
5. The Unexpected – Surprise us with what you’ve discovered around the globe


  • Photo must be at least 300 DPI
  • Photos must be 100% original content belonging to the person submitting the photo

When's the deadline?

  • October 2, 2015

Email with:

  • Your name
  • Academic School/Department
  • Your photo(s)
  • A 50-100 word description of how the photo fits one of the five themes
  • Signed photo consent form (attached)

Your photo may be selected to display at the Humber Gallery from November 9–20, 2015!

Check out these videos and stories from the 2014 Global Lens Exhibit for inspiration!!!

• Global Lens Photo Exhibit 2014 Promo: 
• Humber International Education Week 2014 highlights: 
• Coles, Kelsey. “Global Lens shows Humber abroad”. November 21st, 2014:
• Marsh, Trevon & Pereira, Travis. “Humber hosts Global Lens exhibit – Student images from home and abroad”. November 24th, 2014:

Rebecca Fitzgerald, 416.675.6622 ext. 3179,