NAOSH DAY 3: Slips, Trips and Falls

May 4, 2016

Slips, trips and falls may at times result in nothing more than a bruised ego, but they can also cause a great deal of pain and suffering. At Humber one of the leading causes of workplace injuries is slips, trips and falls from surfaces on the same level. Minimizing the risk associated with these hazards is important in keeping our workplace safe.

What are some common types of hazards to watch for?

  • Slippery floor surfaces caused by spills
  • Weather related hazards (e.g. snow/ice) in parking lots and walkways
  • Floor mats that are loose or have upturned edges
  • Cords and cables running across walkways or other routes of travel
  • Tools, equipment or debris left on the floor
  • An uneven, or sudden change in floor surface
  • Poor lighting

What should you do if you see a slip, trip or fall hazard?

  • Report building or grounds-related hazards to Security (416-675-8500) and/or Facilities Management (ext. 4444 or use the Pervidi work order system:
  • Report hazards specific to your work area to your supervisor

What other actions can you take to minimize slips, trips and falls?

  • Select footwear that is appropriate for your work activities and environment
  • Don’t rush; adjust your pace to suit the walking surface
  • When carrying objects, ensure that they do not block your view
  • Keep walkways and floors clear of boxes, extension cords and litter
  • Use the handrail on stairs
  • Use a stepstool or step ladder rather than a chair or other convenient object to reach an upper shelf, bulletin board or other elevated item

Thank you for reviewing this information. Tomorrow’s message will focus on Workplace Rights & Responsibilities, and remember that Friday’s message will offer the opportunity to win prizes!

HR Services | Health and Safety Services

NAOSH Week is led by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE).
More information about NAOSH Week can be found at or