Yonge Street Mission Fundraising

November 18, 2013


Dear Colleagues,

I would like to ask for your support for the HOMELESS SINGLE TEEN MOTHERS of Evergreen Youth Centre, a program funded by the Yonge Street Mission, 270 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario. For the past nine years, the Humber College community have supported this initiative by putting together Christmas gift bags for these teen mothers. This will be my last year as facilitator for the gift bags so let’s go out with a BANG!

This year has been extremely taxing on all of our resources but if you have anything that you can donate to help with this cause, it will be greatly appreciated. No gift is too small. Lipstick, perfumes, eyeliners, nail polish, pens, candles, children’s supplies (trial size toothpaste, baby lotion, handy wipes, creams etc.), children’s books, please send them my way. They have expressed an urgent need this year for knitted gloves and scarves and gift certificates.

Evergreen will issue a tax receipt for any gift certificates or cash/cheque donation over twenty dollars. I would like to acknowledge the continued generosity and support from the Humber Test Center, Human Resources, Health Sciences and Registrar Office.

Please drop off anything that you have to Joe Bowden in BIR 214 of the HAMS building (arena), Jennifer Hannah in A118 Lakeshore Campus or Sherry Fast, room B304S, North Campus by December 15, 2013.

Please visit the YSM website to see the good work that they have been doing.

Once again, thank you for your support.


Joe Bowden – School of Creative and Performing Arts
Theatre Administrator
416.675.6622 ext. 79052