Board of Governors Appointment - Christopher L.G. Whitaker

April 12, 2012

To the Humber and Guelph-Humber Community:

On behalf of the Board of Governors of the College I am delighted to announce that the Presidential Succession Committee and the Board unanimously approved the recommendation to appoint Christopher L.G. Whitaker, current President & CEO at St. Lawrence College, to the position of President to take effect upon John B. Davies’ retirement in July of this year.

Chris brings to the role a very strong academic background as well as a wealth of senior administrative experience. He holds a Ph.D from University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, an MA from York University and a Bachelors degree from Queen’s University.

Chris has been working in the Ontario postsecondary landscape for nearly twenty-five years and has worked in a variety of progressively senior roles. Prior to his appointment as President & CEO of St. Lawrence College, he was Vice-President, Academic and Dean, School of Business. Chris also has a unique perspective working closely with college support staff, as well as being part of faculty. As President, Chris managed a successful financial turn-around for the institution and established a foundation for long-term sustainability, developed strategic enrolment management strategy and academic plans in support of access and learner needs. Chris has also negotiated with the government to access capital investment in support of campus development and academic programs. As a “first generation” member of his family to go on to higher education, he has a strong interest and passion for higher education, its students and their success.

Chris is married to Vicki, herself a very successful teacher who has also enjoyed a distinguished career in the Ontario education system. He is also the proud father of three children.

As background to this recommendation, I thought it would be appropriate to provide some insight as to how the Presidential Succession Committee and the Board arrived at this decision.

The Committee has been meeting on a regular basis since the fall of 2011. During this time significant effort has been undertaken to clearly understand the needs of the College, both at the present and for the next 5 – 7 years. It was apparent that the College, as a result of the strong legacy of extraordinary leadership, is in an excellent position and that continuity, as opposed to significant change, would be the key to the ongoing success of the institution. To achieve this objective, insight into the operation of, and challenges to, the College, knowledge of its faculty, staff, and student body would be an important asset in ensuring continuity and growth.

The committee conducted a comprehensive search campaign to identify potential candidates and after careful review it was determined that the strengths that Chris could bring to the role and his knowledge of the Ontario College system, would be a significant asset and ensure a smooth leadership transition. These factors all contributed to the decision that he is the ideal candidate to assume this leadership role.

I know you will join me in congratulating our new President on his appointment and provide Chris with your support as he transitions into his new role.

Yours truly,

Joan Homer
Board of Governors
Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning