Call for Papers: Exploring the Emergence of Artificial Intelligence in the Post-Secondary Landscape

Guest Editors: Masood Zangeneh, Ph.D. (Humber College), Dean Fido, Ph.D. (University of Derby)

We invite paper submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following themes: AI-Enhanced Learning Environments: Exploring how AI technologies are reshaping the design, delivery, and assessment of educational content. Topics may include adaptive learning platforms, personalized learning pathways, and intelligent tutoring systems.

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, workshop papers, reviews, commentary, and innovative practice papers related to the themes. Submissions should follow the journal’s guidelines and formatting instructions.

More information about the call for submissions

Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: September 30, 2023
Please email your abstract to:
Paper submission deadline: January 30, 2024
Please email your paper to: