Advising & Careers Spotlight Series: Career Support Peers

As we reflect on the achievements and milestones of the past academic year, we are excited to share some remarkable success stories from Humber's Advising & Career Services. We want to shine a spotlight on the incredible contributions of our Career Support Peers, who have played a pivotal role in making this year a resounding success.   

What is a Career Support Peer (CSP)?  

  • Student leaders who offer one-on-one appointments and engaging workshops, sharing their insights and expertise to help their peers with resume and cover letter building, interview preparation, and optimizing their LinkedIn profile.   

Over the 2022/2023 Academic Year the Career Support Peers:  

  • Provided in-person and virtual 1-1 appointments to over 1,100 current students  
  • Hosted 50 Career Step Workshops to over 400 current students  

To further enhance our community's understanding of our services, we have attached an essential resource. 

Career Support Guide for Students: Faculty can share this guide with their students, allowing them to access our wide range of services and resources.  

We invite you to explore this guide and discover the various ways Advising & Career Services can benefit both students and faculty. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting our key services and resources with the Humber Community, so stay tuned for more updates!

We look forward to continuing this journey of empowerment, education, and success in the semesters to come.