Universal Design for Learning Primer

Innovative Learning is excited to welcome guest speaker, Dr. Eric Moore, as he delivers a keynote address that addresses how instructors can support their learners through flexibility without reducing high expectations and standards for student success. 

Keynote Address: Rigor and UDL: Oil and Water?  

Higher education is changing. Some bemoan the “loss of rigor” as schools pivot away from structures that put the onus of learning squarely on students and shift toward emphasis on higher quality teaching intended to make learning easier for more learners. Others profess the importance of these changes, arguing that change is overdue: “archaic practices” have been unnecessarily exclusionary for far too long. These views appear mutually exclusive. We can’t have rigorous, challenging learning experiences and also provide flexibility and learner support that enables everyone to learn and succeed. These are oil and water. Right?   
In this interactive keynote, we will explore these assumptions and questions. What do we mean by rigor? Is it the same as challenge? Is it possible that flexible methods actually lead to higher standards and outcomes for our learners? What do neuroscience and cognitive science researchers have to say about it, and what’s it all to do with Universal Design for Learning? Join us for an engaging keynote of inquiry and dialogue you won’t want to miss!  

To register for this virtual event, please complete the UDL Primer - Fall 2023 Registration form.