College Council Highlights - September 2023

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities. At its first meeting of the academic year, College Council welcomed presentations on Humber Inspired, the College’s 2030 visioning exercise, and from Indigenous Education and Engagement on conducting land acknowledgements.


Tyler Charlebois, Director, Centres of Innovation Network and Partnership Development

Humber has launched Humber Inspired - a visioning exercise to think ahead to 2030 and beyond and set the vision of where the college wants to take Humber together. It is an opportunity for the Humber community to dream without parameters, to think about the future, and what role they want Humber to play in it. Over the fall, Humber will engage with staff, faculty, students and Industry and community partners, and alumni in multiple visioning sessions. During the fall reading week, on Monday, October 23, Humber will host Inspiration Day for all to participate. At HCC’s November meeting, they will consult with HCC and ask them to think about what their sector will look like in 2030. Throughout the process, the Humber community can submit their ideas at or send an email to


Elijah Williams, Associate Dean, Indigenous Education & Engagement          

Humber has embraced Land Acknowledgements to recognize the positionality of the institution within the territories that Indigenous peoples have been calling home for thousands of years and individuals to understand the deep and enduring relationships that exists between Indigenous peoples and place. They serve as a good conversation starter and an entry point that encourages individuals to consider their own role and responsibility when it comes to reconciliation/resurgence and encourages individuals to consider the importance of land for their own growth and development and for the health and wellness of all people, in the present and future. Land acknowledgements are an Indigenous worldview as they connect place and peoples. For more information on conducting land acknowledgements, visit Humber’s Indigenous Education and Engagement website. HCC members will be given the space to practice delivering them at each meeting.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on October 19, 2023.


For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact

For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact