College Council - October Meeting Highlights

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities.

At its second meeting of the academic year, College Council welcomed presentations on Humber’s Student Enrolment and on Artificial Intelligence Ethics.


Barb Riach, AVP, Enrolment Management & Registrar and Derek Stockley, AVP Academic

Enrolment has been increasing across Humber’s campuses and the higher education system. Humber’s Fall 2023 enrolment was 26,142 (16,319 Domestic; 9,824 International), up from Fall 2022 which totaled 24,162 (16,489 Domestic; 7,673 International).

Fall 2023 enrolment by campus/location:

  • North: 15,416 (59.0%)
  • Lakeshore: 8,710 (33.3%)
  • IGS: 1,555 (5.9%)
  • Online: 462 (1.8%)

Fall 2023 enrolment by credential:

  • Degree: 4,991 (19.1%)
  • Graduate Certificate: 5,189 (19.8%)
  • Advanced Diploma: 4,536 (17.4%)
  • Diploma: 10,083 (38.6%)
  • Certificate: 1,344 (5.1%)

Winter and Fall 2024 enrolment is underway with winter fee deposits due October 18 and registration starting the week of November 20. Fall 2024 application approvals commence on November 1, 2023.

At a previous HCC meeting, members asked for Humber to clarify its Enrolment Planning Process: Program enrolment targets are reviewed and set for the next budget cycle (summer, fall and winter intakes) each year after the fall semester’s Day 10 numbers have been established (if a student remains enrolled on day 10 of the semester, Humber assumes they will stay enrolled). When setting initial targets, several factors are considered (e.g., applicant demand/volume; Industry demand/capacity; lab and equipment capacity; WIL capacity; classroom and lab sizes). Targets are reviewed with faculty leadership throughout the admissions cycle and adjusted based on application volumes and conversion.


Edward Li, Humber student, Nursing and Jennie Miron, Professor    

Edward Li presented on a student-led academic integrity project that sought to guide students on what constitutes appropriate and ethical use of AI within their studies. Recognizing the growing number of learners using AI tools like ChatGPT, he collaborated with students from across the world and disciplines to create an infographic that outlines the dos and don’ts of using AI, including warning students of the inherent bias or inaccuracies that can be found in these tools. In addition, one student created a mindmap on AI and Academic Integrity that links learners to additional resources, how to use AI appropriately and cite it, and the risks involved in using it.

Jennie Miron and a team from Humber are working on an introductory course for faculty to assist them in deciding whether and how to use AI in their teaching practices. Titled, Teaching Students to Research and Write with Integrity in the Digital Age, it is expected to be completed in December 2023. The team, consisting of members from the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, Student Life & Learning, the Library, and Faculty of Liberal Arts are specifically focusing on the incorporation of generative AI (genAI) applications that develop students ethical writing and research skills. Soon they will issue a Communiqué post asking faculty for their AI stories for inclusion.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held in person on November 23, 2023.


For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact