Call for Members - Humber’s Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees

Are you interested in being a part of a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) at Humber? If so, Humber’s JOHSCs are looking for new members!

The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) is an advisory body that is made up of worker (Faculty and Support Staff) and management (Administration) members who work together to address and promote health and safety in the workplace.

Why should you become a JOHSC member?

  • Active involvement: Contribute to the enhancement of safety across our campus community.
  • Networking and engagement: Attend regular JOHSC meetings to foster collaboration.
  • Hands-on experience: Participate in inspections of campus buildings and workplaces throughout the year.
  • Knowledge enhancement: Engage in training opportunities and participate in walkthroughs of newly renovated areas.
  • Time commitment: Worker members on the committee are allotted an average of two hours/week to conduct committee activities. There are five JOHSC meetings a year, and members will complete approximately three workplace inspections a year.  

Vacancies are currently available to fill for faculty and support staff members at the Lakeshore Campus JOHSC, faculty members at the North Campus JOHSC and support staff members at the International Graduate School JOHSC. If you are an employee at one of those locations and are interested in becoming a member of your committee, please reach out to your union at the following addresses:

If you are an administrative staff member, please let Occupational Health and Safety ( know of your interest in the JOHSC. When vacancies arise, we will reach out to you.

Otherwise, for more information about the JOHSC at your site, meeting dates, workplace inspection schedules, or the contact information of the committee members, visit:


JOHSC Committees