Humber CareerConnect Job Portal

Do you work with external partners or companies looking to hire Humber talent? Employers can promote and recruit Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students and alumni by posting full-time, part time, summer, volunteer and on-campus opportunities on our job portal. 

Benefits of using our services include:

  • Free postings
  • Manage and edit your own postings
  • Maintain an archive of previous postings
  • Track numbers of visits and applications
  • Remain updated on news and events

Employers may register for a general account (to post general opportunities) or a faculty specific account (to post placements, co-ops or internships within a specific faculty) by visiting our website. For more information about how to register and/or post opportunities, please check out the resources linked below:

Please note that if you are a Humber College staff member registering for an employer account in CareerConnect, you should use the general description that auto-generates as you register. Specific department descriptions may be added in the job posting. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to our team by emailing

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