This Week is Home Office Safety and Security Week

Celebrated annually during the second full week in January, Home Office Safety and Security Week is a great time for workers who work from home to evaluate their home offices and workstations to ensure optimal safety and security. With many of us working remotely in some capacity, let us take a step back and ensure we are working in a safe environment at home.

Consider the following to maximize home office safety:

  • Review the ergonomic set-up of your at-home workstation. The Humber Occupational Health and Safety Webpage includes many ergonomic tools & tips, and you can also complete the Office Ergonomics Self-Assessment Checklist.
  • Maintain a comfortable working temperature, with adequate lighting and controlled noise levels.
  • Practice good housekeeping by keeping your work area tidy and free of clutter.
  • Ensure shelving and cabinets are in good condition and securely anchored so they are not at risk of falling.
  • Pay close attention to electrical safety. Ensure power cords are in good condition, and plug power bars directly into the wall; do not overload electrical outlets. Make sure that electrical cords do not present a tripping hazard.
  • Know what steps to take in case of a fire or other emergency. Keep exits and pathways clear, and ensure the area is equipped with properly functioning smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

To assist in evaluating your home office, please use Humber’s Remote Workspace Self-Assessment Checklist.

For more information on working safely from home, please speak to your manager or contact the Occupational Health & Safety Services team at