New and Redesigned Indigenous Teaching & Learning Bundles

We are pleased to announce that on February 12, 2024, new and redesigned Indigenous Teaching & Learning Bundles will become available to help advance Indigenous education at Humber.

Following the success of our earlier learning bundles, these new offerings are designed to equip faculty and staff with a theoretical focus as they work to incorporate Indigenous voices, perspectives, teachings, histories, and experiences into their classrooms. We encourage all faculty, professors, librarians, counsellors, and staff to take advantage of this unique training opportunity.

All Our Relations will be the first Teaching & Learning Bundle offered by Indigenous Education & Engagement. This introductory course focuses on Indigenous education, worldviews, historical and contemporary realities, anti-Indigenous racism, and decolonizing teaching and learning. Additional training bundles will become available later this year.

The course details are as follows:

  • Dates: February 12 to April 8, 2024.
  • Time commitment: Approximately 1.5 hours per week for eight weeks.
  • Professors (full-time, partial load and part-time), librarians, counsellors, and staff are all welcome to participate.
  • The course is offered in an asynchronous online format whereby learners meet weekly course requirements.

To enrol, please complete our online request form. Deadline to enrol is Friday, February 2, 2024.

For all other inquiries, please contact

Thank you for your continued support in advancing Indigenous education at Humber College.


Jason Seright
Vice-President, Inclusion & Belonging
Gina Antonacci
Senior Vice-President, Academic