AI and Machine Learning Capstone Projects

Help students gain valuable real-world experience in artificial intelligence with machine learning while they help you.

Humber Colleges’ new graduate certificate program in AI with Machine Learning, within the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, is now into its second year. Discussions and news about AI and Machine Learning are everywhere. This field is accelerating, making the program even more valuable to students interested in this world-changing arena. 

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) has become an effective learning process in post-secondary education and Humber College is a leader in WIL. I am interested in engaging industry sponsors, within Humber College, to supervise real-life, curriculum-related Student Capstone Projects. And unlike student co-ops, there is no remuneration required. Each capstone is an industry project comprised of a team of four students in their final semester of the AI with Machine Learning Graduate Certificate Program. Our next round of capstones will commence in early May 2024.

Currently we have eighteen projects underway including a project collaboration with Humber’s Faculty of Media and Creative Arts, a fashion industry company, and an AI/ML capstone team. The next group of projects will start on May 6, 2024.

Consider project applications that could include the following examples:

  • Customer/student support       
    • Chat bot
    • Student experience
  • Data Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Productivity
  • Image recognition
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Cybersecurity

I would appreciate the chance to share more information about capstone projects and how our students could assist your department, students and staff at Humber College, through the integration of AI and Machine Learning.

Please contact me for further information: 

Carol Amirault
Industry Engagement Advisor/Capstone Coordinator, AI with ML Graduate Certificate