Seeking Volunteers - AODA Committee

Humber’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Committee is seeking students, staff, and faculty to join their work with respect to issues relating to enabling compliance with AODA (2005) and promoting full accessibility and inclusion for the Humber Community. The Committee is comprised of students, staff, and faculty volunteers from Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber and will work to grow existing policy, support, and awareness initiatives, and ensure compliance with legislative requirements.

The deadline to indicate your interest is February 12, 2024 at 4 p.m. via the online application form.

Committee Mission Statement

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Committee shall work with the College and other organizations, as part of the promotion and facilitation of an integrated approach to effective barrier prevention and removal on Humber College’s campuses and in the areas surrounding the College.


The AODA Committee is an advisory committee reporting to the People(s) & Culture department. The Committee works in collaboration with Humber College with respect to issues relating to enabling compliance with AODA (2005) and promoting full accessibility and inclusion for the Humber Community.

Committee Member’s Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • Identifying barriers that will be removed or modified for people with disabilities
  • Identifying regulations, policies, programs, practices, and services that cause, or may cause, barriers to persons with disabilities and recommend alternatives
  • Providing input and feedback on the development of AODA (2005) policies and the multi-year accessibility plan to effectively address and meet the requirements identified in the AODA (2005) Standards. This may include the forming of working groups or any other format that will be deemed effective.
  • Ensuring that the College is in compliance with the legislative requirements.

Committee members are asked to commit to the following:

  • Attending one Working Group meetings per month, October through April (meetings last approximately one hour);
  • Completing one to two hours of Working Group projects or tasks per month, October through April;
  • Communicating updates and information with your respective department and networks at the institution;
  • Communicating with Working Group Leads in a timely manner (two to three business days).

How to apply: Please complete the online application form.

The Committee is specifically seeking members from the following areas:

  1. Accessible Learning Services
  2. Facilities Management
  3. Faculty
  5. Information Technology Services
  6. Library
  7. Marketing and Communications
  8. The Office of the Registrar
  9. Students
  10. Student Success and Engagement

If you have questions pertaining to AODA Committee, please contact Kathryn Edgett-Emirzian at