College Council Highlights - January 2024

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities.

At its fourth meeting of the academic year, College Council welcomed presentations on academic freedom, a quality assurance audit of international student services, the digital student experience project, and program suspensions and closures.


Information presented by Vera Beletzan, Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning

Last February, Humber convened a working group focused on academic freedom. Chaired by SVPA with broad representation from the Academic division, including faculty, associate deans, and a senior dean, their work aligns with Humber’s commitment to academic freedom and EDIB values across all learning environments. The group seeks to ensure that all Humber community members (staff, faculty, students) support and protect academic freedom, and maintain a respectful environment so that it can be instituted responsibly. The group will deliver recommendations to the SVPA by end of winter term on a shared and proactive approach to academic freedom which includes clear and consistent processes that support all stakeholders (e.g., faculty, staff, students), and the development of resources and training to support their implementation.


Information presented by Carl Oliver, Associate Dean, Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology

Launched in fall 2008, this program has been experiencing declining enrolment since 2014. The program will be suspended but will enable current learners without a co-op placement to complete their programs by winter 2026. Learners with a co-op placement will complete by fall 2027. Recognizing the importance of the program’s content to a sustainable future, FAST will embed the course content into new and existing programs (e.g., architecture, civil engineering), with the aim of capacitating a greater number of students with the knowledge of sustainable energy and building technology.


Information presented by Kimberly Carter, Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning, Faculty of Social & Community Services

Launched in 2004, this program required 10 courses for completion and was offered on a part time basis. Given the evolving needs and expectations of the part time learner who want shorter and targeted programs, Forensic Practice has seen a decline in enrolment and completion and will be closed. Existing students will be supported to graduation. FSCS is reviewing the program content for ways to repurpose it to meet the needs of professional learners.


Information presented by Andrew Ness, Dean, International

In 2023, Humber was one of three colleges who voluntarily participated in the Standards of Practice for International Education Quality Assurance Audit. The pilot’s aim was to contribute to the development of a set of minimum standards for international student services built on existing practices and legislative and policy framework and QA mechanisms which will support the academic and personal success of international learners. The standards would be included in the college’s regular AQ audits to verify compliance and be extended to the public college’s postsecondary programming that is provided through its private partners where a partnership exists. The five QA standards included:

  1. Marketing Promotion and Admission;
  2. International Education Agents;
  3. International Student Orientation and Transition;
  4. Supports and Services to Promote Student Well-being and Safety;
  5. Post-Graduate Support Services.

Each standard has three to eight associated requirements.

The audit results indicated that all standards were met overall. Quoting the audit report: “Humber College recognizes and adapts its processes and service to meet the needs of international students...Humber College is to be commended on the timeliness and availability of information for their admissions, prearrival, orientation, employment, Post-graduation Work Permit, and Pathways to Permanent Residence processes that recognizes the complexities of the international student journey… their commitment to continuous improvement in the provision of learning support services to students, and post-graduation immigration and work permit services for graduates….its robust career services and programming for all students, notably including the international student perspective into program planning and adapting services to the students’ journey…”

It was requested that Humber: survey international students on agent satisfaction; provide more culturally specific resources and Indigenous Education to international students; provide focused alumni outreach to international graduates; and create a taskforce to create a housing strategy.

The audit pilot process will be debriefed with the Committee of Presidents who will give feedback to the auditors and confirm that the process and the standards are sound.


Information presented by Scott Briggs, Vice President, Digital Innovation and CIO

The Digital Student Experience project emerged from the 2023-2026 Digital Campus and Academic Plans and focuses on enhancing the student experience. As an institutional change initiative commencing this month and lasting two years, it focuses on four areas:

  1. Enterprise Web Strategy – Digital Experience Platform and Content Management;
  2. Enrolment and Admissions Rethinking;
  3. Student Journey and Service Excellence;
  4. Digital Identity.

The project seeks to tailor the prospective or current student/learner, applicant, and alumni experience for a more personalized one. For example, prospective students interacting with Humber website may find their experience tailored to their physical location. As they further engage with the website, Humber might build a profile for them, and further tailor their experience to their specific interests.

The project will also streamline Humber systems for a consistent experience. For example, a student may update identity information in one system, and this information would then carry across all Humber systems (e.g., registrar, MS Teams, etc.).


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on March 21, 2024. In February, HCC will hold a professional development session in lieu of its regularly scheduled meeting.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact