Strategic Planning Update: Student Success Framework – Tell us what you think!

March 28, 2013

The Student Success Framework identifies common themes that have emerged through the strategic planning consultation process to date. As part of Humber’s iterative consultation process, please take this opportunity to review the proposed Student Success Framework and let the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) know what you think.

Follow the Student Success Framework link on the Imagine Humber strategic planning website to view an interactive prezi, access a PDF of the document, and respond anonymously to the discussion questions. The SPSC will consider all feedback as it develops a first draft of the Strategic Plan, which will be shared with the community in advance of Town Hall Meetings in early May.

Check out the What We’re Hearing page for more information on our consultation process to date. As always, please share your thoughts any time with members of the SPSC or via the Imagine Humber website.