Save the Date: Humber Advising Conference (HAC)

How can advisors foster genuine connections, coach learners toward personalized success, and enhance their human capital?

Join us from May 14 to 16 for the 9th annual Humber Advising Conference, Coaching for Success: A Human Approach, to explore top practices and trends in Academic and Career Advising.

The Humber Advising Conference provides a forum for engaging in academic and/or career advising approaches, high impact practices, and pedagogy.  

HAC embraces the Ontario Association of Advising Professionals (OAAP), and the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) academic advising competencies models, as well as the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE) career advising competencies framework.

If your role involves academic or career advising and you are interested in further honing these skills, be sure to save the date!

Registration details will be available soon.


If you are interested in presenting a session at the Humber Advising Conference, please email or to request a presenter's package.