AI Research Study

Attention all Humber teachers:

We are looking for participants for our research study Artificial Intelligence Application Acceptance Survey (REB # 0360). This research project aims to learn more about what affects post-secondary instructors’ intentions to use generative artificial intelligence (genAI) in their teaching practices. The recent surge of genAI applications has created demands for the post-secondary sector to consider in the context of student learning. It has become clear that these applications are expected to continue to develop, improve, and become ubiquitous in the work we do. It is important for us to understand what influences teachers in their uptake of different artificial intelligence applications as we are learning that the use of these applications can support student learning.

Our research questions are:

  • Main research question - What predicts post-secondary instructors’ intention to adopt artificial intelligence in their pedagogies?
  • Secondary research question - What specific factors influence the integration of generative artificial intelligence in the pedagogies of post-secondary instructors?

Your participation will be confidential, anonymous, and private. Visit the following link where you will receive an explanation and access to the study. The study will be open until March 15, 2024. We hope that you will consider participating. If you have any questions you can reach out to