Humber Earth Month Kick-Off

March is Earth Month at Humber and it’s an opportunity to reflect, inspire change, raise awareness, and take meaningful steps towards a sustainable future. This Humber Earth Month, I’m excited to launch our community engagement process that will develop the college’s next sustainability vision. 

Humber is a sector leader in how we approach sustainability. Last year, Humber ranked first among all institutions in the Associate Colleges category for its sustainability efforts by STARS, and has been recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for nine consecutive years. We are also on track to surpass our goal of being a zero-carbon institution by 2050.   

During consultations for Humber Inspired, it was clear that sustainability and climate action are important to our community. It’s part of who we are. Starting today and over the next six months, the Humber community, including our alumni and current and future community partners, will be invited to contribute to the conversation on the future of Sustainability at Humber.  I invite you to use our collective imagination and contribute your ideas and feedback to inform our next sustainability vision.  

Starting this week and continuing throughout the spring, there will be several participation opportunities, including an online survey, in-person and virtual townhalls, and target setting sessions. Visit the Humber Earth Month events webpage for more information. 

By working together, we will strive to continue to advance our efforts to build the skills needed for a net-zero economy and work in Mino Nawendiwin (good relationships) to create a better world for all. The foundation we have laid is strong and together we will propel our sustainability efforts into the future. 

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan 
President & CEO, Humber College