Showcase 2024: Call for Proposals Deadline Extended to May 6

Humber staff and faculty are invited join us on Thursday, June 6 at the North Campus for our annual Showcase and celebration of teaching and learning innovations.   

This year's Showcase theme, Spaces & Places, encourages us to reflect on and consider how we utilize Humber’s spaces and places and how we conceptualize spaces for learning, creation, innovation, and connection. We interpret spaces and places as including but not limited to the physical and to also include sociocultural concepts of spaces and places.  

  • How do we as educators and higher education professionals foster innovation as we repurpose spaces for critical conversations to create an environment that allows every individual to feel empowered to learn and grow within and beyond the Humber community?     
  • How do we utilize spaces to ensure learners have a personalized, flexible and accessible learning journey?   
  • How do we establish spaces?   
  • What methodologies and practices do we use to facilitate specific types of spaces?  
  • How do we interact and engage with these spaces?  
  • How can learners use Humber’s places and spaces to meet their needs?   
  • What do we do to create welcoming and inclusive spaces for Humber learners, faculty and staff?  
  • How do we engage with one another in these spaces?   
  • How are we actively including folks in these spaces?   

We invite proposals that both celebrate and investigate the many dimensions of this year’s Showcase theme, Spaces & Places. 

We encourage members of the Humber community to share how they use Humber’s spaces and places to engage learners in innovative and meaningful ways.  Share how you teach, work, learn and create in Humber’s spaces and places including those that are digital, physical, socio-emotional, cultural and intersectional.      

Submit a proposal for an Interactive Workshop, Lightning Talk, Exhibit, Poster, Demonstration, and/or Sharing Circle.    


Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)  

An Interactive Workshop is a 45-minute session designed for you to share a component of your teaching practice that is tied to the theme of Spaces & Places.   

Your goal will be to lead your colleagues in the exploration of the processes you used or created and to inspire them to use your experience as a guide for their innovation. Examples of workshops could include innovative teaching and learning practices, interdisciplinary projects, and other areas of expertise related to teaching and learning.   

Lightning Talk (10 minutes each, 45 minutes)  

Present your ideas and activities on how you create innovative/flexible/inclusive spaces and places in our Lightning Talk session.  You are encouraged to deliver an insightful talk on a topic related to the theme Spaces & Places. Each selected presentation will be allotted 10 minutes, followed by an interactive 5-minute Q&A session with the audience, providing valuable engagement and feedback opportunities. The Lightning Talk session will consist of 3 separate lightning talks, and the organizers will do their best to connect them based on their shared or similar themes/topics. The Lightning Talk session will be 45 minutes, and we encourage a collaborative, shared time slot with your colleagues.  

Demonstrations (45 minutes)   

The Demonstration Galleries showcase innovative pedagogical practices, focusing on how teaching faculty utilize teaching spaces and tools for enriched learning experiences. Visitors will engage with presenters by experiencing your pedagogical activity and/or tool through your interactive methodology.  The Demonstration Gallery is a space to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas on spatial utilization in teaching and learning and how pedagogy and tools are utilized by educators. If you would like to host your session in a specialty lab or classroom, it is your responsibility to confirm availability of that space.  

Sharing Circle (60 minutes)  

A Sharing Circle is a respectful place for listening, learning, and sharing. Each member has an opportunity to share their experiences and one person speaks at a time with no interruptions. The circle is all inclusive and for that reason, everyone’s voice is listened to and respected.    

Sharing Circles will be 60 minutes in length and will have a maximum number of in-person members. Sharing Circles have a theme or issue, and one member will facilitate. Each facilitator who proposes a Sharing Circle should follow the attached guidelines and consider requesting to meet with a member of the Indigenous Education & Engagement team to learn the full protocol. Example themes could include sharing experiences of inclusion, or of successes where new approaches have removed barriers for learners, ways to ensure that diverse voices are heard and valued at Humber, and experiences that would resonate and support other faculty.   

Additional resources: Talking Circle: Fact Sheet, Talking Together  

Exhibit Centre (90 minutes)  

The Exhibit Centre runs through the lunch hour and serves as a live and interactive community space. An Exhibit Booth gives Faculties and Departments the opportunity to highlight recent, current, or future Humber projects or initiatives. This year, Exhibitors are asked to bring a heightened focus on Humber’s spaces and places. This is a great opportunity to bring the Humber community together for conversation, sharing and networking.   

Posters (90 minutes)  

Submit a Poster and showcase your research or Priority 3 project.  Attendees can interact with the presenters, view the posters, and discuss ideas during this 90-minute interactive session.  

Deadline to submit a proposal has been extended to Monday, May 6.