Humber's Broadcast-Broadband Convergence B²C Lab is Now Broadcasting from the CN Tower/Tour CN

Our Broadcast-Broadband Convergence B²C Lab is now broadcasting ATSC 3.0 live on the CN Tower / Tour CN in Toronto!

Our world-class OTA broadcast test bed now includes a total of four Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 experimental transmission sites across the Toronto region. The CN Tower / Tour CN site extends our reach to be able to test over 25% of Canada’s marketplace. Our sincere thank you to both Rogers Sports & Media and Corus Entertainment for their most generous support in providing connectivity through their broadcast infrastructure.

We are especially grateful to Steve Martak, Lisa Ball and Pierre Fortin from Rogers Sports & Media for their commitment to make this a reality, as well as Reza Saiphoo and Morley Fountain from Corus Entertainment. Special thanks to Triveni Digital and GatesAir for their unwavering support of our lab’s efforts to stand up Canada’s first ATSC 3.0 broadcast SFN.

And a big shout out to Willie Perez our Lab Engineering Manager, Himanshu Sharma our Lab Technician and Daniel Meza our Humber student Research Assistant for their technical prowess in lighting up Humber College’s and Canada’s first experimental ATSC 3.0 broadcast station atop the CN Tower / Tour CN!

We're looking for students and faculty that are interested in joining our team in the lab! For more information, please reach out at