Getting Ready for the Launch the Humber Digital Asset Management (DAM) System

Dear Humber Community, 

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our highly anticipated Digital Asset Management (DAM) System! After meticulous planning and preparation, we are ready to enhance how we access, manage and share our digital assets, across Humber and with external parties. 

Humber’s DAM is a centralized digital asset library, comprising various media types such as photos, videos, graphics, templates and documents such as brand guidelines. The goal is to ensure easy searchability, organization, distribution, and secure storage of assets, providing users with high-quality digital assets to support their work. 

Phase 1 Launch: June 2024 

As part of the initial phase, we plan to deploy an initial set of 3500 high-quality photos which will be searchable and accessible for download through the DAM. This curated collection will provide a glimpse into the breadth and quality of assets that will be available to support your work. 

What to Expect in Future Phases

As we roll out the full DAM, in phases, you can look forward to: 

  • Streamlined access to a diverse range of digital assets, including photos, videos, audio files, templates, brand assets and graphics 
  • Enhanced searchability and organization to quickly find the digital assets you need 
  • Improved collaboration opportunities to support your projects and initiatives 
  • Secure storage and distribution of digital assets, ensuring their integrity and accessibility 
  • Standardized process and workflow to upload digital assets into the DAM 

Training Material

To ensure a smooth transition and effective utilization of the DAM, role-specific training material will be provided to guide users through the system's features and functionalities. 


Stay tuned for more details about an upcoming demo session in which the delivery team will provide a preview of the Humber DAM. 


As part of this initial launch, an FAQ resource will be available to address common queries and concerns. 

In the meantime, if you have any immediate questions about the DAM launch, please contact Jill Rosenberg ( 

Andrew Leopold
Associate Vice-President, Marketing & Communications
Ruth Butlin
Director, Enterprise Applications