College Council September Highlights

September 21, 2015

Humber College Council held its first meeting of the fall semester on Thursday, September 17, at the North campus. As the Communications Liaison for Council, I will be reporting the highlights of the monthly meetings in order to keep the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me at

Upcoming Events

The 6th Annual Humber LAS Conference will be held Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26 at the North Campus. This year’s theme is “A Better World,” and the keynote address, “Getting Smart on Crime,” by Greg Rogers, Executive Director of the John Howard Society, will take place on Friday at 4 pm in Seventh Semester. A reception in the Humber Room will follow. Saturday will feature presentations by Humber faculty from all eight academic schools. Registration is free for members of the Humber community:

“Moving for Mental Health Awareness” is a 5k run/walk that will be held on Thursday, October 15 from 12:30 – 3:30 at the Lakeshore Campus. For more information, email . To register, visit

Launch of Co-Curricular Record

A key priority in Humber’s 2013-18 strategic plan is to ensure that co-curricular activities are well-integrated into the total student experience. This fall, Student Success and Engagement launched Humber’s new Co-Curricular Record (CCR). Corinna Fitzgerald, Director, Student Life Programs, and Thomas Kaddour, Coordinator, Co-Curricular Programs, joined Council to walk us through some of the background and details.

Humber’s CCR provides an official catalogue of student experiences, along with the competencies and skills obtained, and is fully customizable for each student. To be eligible for inclusion in a student’s CCR, an experience must not be tied to academic credit, and must provide valuable competency development, have an approved affiliation with Humber or Guelph-Humber, be accurately validated by a staff or faculty member, and adhere to Humber’s code of student conduct.

Possible experiences include paid positions, volunteer positions, service learning, conferences, research assistantships, training and workshops, committees, and varsity athletics.

For more information, please see

Sexual Violence Policy and Awareness Campaign

In March, 2015, Humber launched its new sexual violence policy and website. This fall, Humber’s Awareness and Prevention Campaign aims to increase the awareness of sexual violence on campus through engaging students in an informal dialogue about sexual violence, educating students about consent, improving the capacity of students, staff, and faculty to safely intervene in sexual violence scenarios, and improving awareness of sexual violence support resources. Students have created a 50-second video to increase awareness; staff and faculty are encouraged to share it with students:

Humber has implemented a bystander intervention program (Bringing in the Bystander), in order to empower individuals to confidently intervene in an incident. Participants will learn how to prevent and de-escalate situations. For information about the policy, campaign, intervention program, and training dates, please see

Annual Report and Business Plan

Corrine Johnston, Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, and Amy Kaufman, Manager, Strategic Planning, summarized Humber’s 2104-15 Annual Report and 2015-16 Business Plan. The former articulates the broad vision and goals for the institution, while the latter identifies priorities and strategies that will ensure we meet our strategic mandate. Highlights from the documents include the following:

2014-15 Annual Report

  • Finalized the business case for a Centre of Innovation in health and wellness
  • Developed a change management framework and toolkit to support implementation of the Human Resources Management software project 
  • Redeveloped the FYE program
  • Launched the internationalization strategy and global citizenship certificate
  • Developed an alumni engagement strategy

2015-16 Business Plan

  • Develop Humber’s Academic Plan and accompanying Strategic Enrolment Management plan to focus on recruitment, retention, and conversion
  • Pilot the change management framework and toolkit during implementation of the Human Resources Management software
  • Fully deploy unified communications on all campuses
  • Respond to the results of the 2014 Employee Engagement Survey

For more information, please see

The next meeting of Humber College Council will be on Thursday, October 15 at the Lakeshore Campus.