Pride Flag Notes

June 16, 2016

In honour of the massacre in Orlando, in addition to June being Pride Month, we invite you to stop by the Student Life Office and leave a note of support for our LGBTQ+ communities. Visibility is a powerful thing, and so is solidarity. 

As we continue to mourn and grieve the loss of lives at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, it is also necessary to reject and counter the messages of hate present in this story. Instead, we choose to affirm and celebrate the communities impacted by this tragic event. We stand with the Latinx, Muslim, and queer Muslim communities, we hope you will join us in creating a better story.

Location: North Campus, Student Life Office - 2nd Floor LRC (until July 4th)

Contact: LGBTQ+ Resource Centre, 416.675.6622 x5575,