Thank You for Supporting the Humber Gives Campaign

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the generosity of the Humber community this year's Humber Gives campaign has raised $53,837.

You put students first in all that you do and your gift is one more way to support them. I encourage you to read about some of the students you help here:

The focus of the Humber Gives campaign is about participation, no matter the size of your gift; together we can make a big difference.  Your participation also sends a powerful message to students, alumni, friends and potential supporters.  We are Humber, and we are committed to the current and future success of our students.

Thank you,

Eileen DeCourcy
Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning
Chair, Humber Gives campaign

P.S. I hope to see you at SHOWCASE on Thursday, June 5, 2014.  Join the Humber Gives campaign to receive your very own bicycle bell!