Jim Watson, Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Department of Mathematics would like to bid a very fond farewell to Jim Watson, as he has decided to retire at the end of this academic year.

Jim began teaching at Humber in 1978 on contract in the College Preparatory Program and was then hired full-time as a Teaching Master in 1981 in the Academic and Commercial Studies Division at the Queensway campus.   While balancing his teaching career and his family life, Jim returned to school and was part of the first cohort from the Central Michigan University, MA program to graduate from Humber College.  Jim has also served as the program coordinator for the Job Services Program at the Lakeshore campus in the early 90’s and currently sits as the Health and Safety faculty representative for the lakeshore campus.  He has worked in a variety of different divisions and schools during his tenure at Humber, but over the last few years, Jim has found a home at the lakeshore campus teaching mathematics.

Outside the classroom, Jim is an active member of the Ontario College Mathematics Association where he currently holds the role of Social Convener.  In addition to this involvement in the math community, Jim spends a lot of time organizing and playing hockey in the Humber Staff league and for about ten years, Jim was the extramural assistant hockey coach for the Lakeshore team.

On behalf of Humber community, we wish Jim the best in his retirement years.


Rebecca Milburn
Associate Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Science