Nancy Rodrigues, Associate Dean , Advertising, Graphic Design, PR and Fundraising Cluster

As some of you may already know, Nancy Rodrigues, Associate Dean in charge of the Advertising, Graphic Design, PR and Fundraising cluster of programs has decided to retire effective January 31, 2015.

Nancy has been with the college on a full-time basis for over 26 years. During this time she has held a variety of positions, including faculty, program coordinator and more recently as Associate Dean.

During her time at the School of Media Studies & Information Technology, Nancy has been instrumental in developing new programs, curriculum, policies and procedures, kick-starting and growing the continuing education department, and a number of innovative initiatives such as the first two-year Ontario Graduate Certificate, and bridging programming for internationally trained IT professionals. Her dedication to teaching, learning and academic excellence is evident in all that she does. 

Nancy's contributions have gone well beyond the boundaries of the school and have added value to the Humber community as a whole through her participation on numerous committees and projects. She has spearheaded such high-profile projects as the first degree viewbook, League for Innovation publications, the launch of two very successful degree programs, and the launch of the Ad Centre, just to name a few of the most notable ones.

Nancy has recently become a grandmother for the first time. She is looking forward to spending more time with her new addition to the family.

Please join me in congratulating Nancy on her decision to retire and wishing her well in this new stage of her life.

The School is hosting a retirement reception honouring Nancy Rodrigues on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 1:30 pm in the 7th Semester. Please join us in wishing her well in her retirement.