Stella Eyles, Professor, Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Department of English would like to bid a very fond farewell to Stella Eyles who will be retiring this year. Stella began teaching at Humber in 1983. Her early experiences in Academic Upgrading and the Communications laboratory, coupled with her previous years of teaching at the secondary school level, set the stage for her career-long interest in remedial writing and helping students gain the language skills necessary for college and career success.

A very versatile teacher and Distinguished Faculty Award winner, Stella enjoyed success teaching academic and workplace writing courses as well and was seen as a mentor by many of her Lakeshore colleagues who greatly benefitted from her knowledge, experience and generous caring nature. No matter what courses she taught, the results were always the same: her students left her class with much improved writing skills, and her colleagues always knew when they had students in their classes who had Stella the previous semester.