Melanie Sparkes, Business Manager, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

It is with great pleasure that I announce that Ms. Melanie Sparkes has accepted the position of Business Manager in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and will begin in this new role on August 2nd, 2016.

Melanie is no stranger to Humber. She held the position of Finance and Administration Coordinator at the University of Guelph-Humber from October 2013 – August 2014 before accepting the position of Operations Manager in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University, where she had previously held progressive positions as a procurement specialist, training administrator and business and data analyst.

With over 15 years of experience in operations, human resource and academic resource management in the post-secondary realm, Melanie brings with her a background that not only aligns well with the School’s academic focus but also an extensive set of skills that will enable us to explore many new business processes while maintaining our focus on providing exceptional educational and work experiences for our students, faculty and staff.

Melanie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from York University in psychology as well as a Professional Certificate in Human Resource Management.  She is currently pursuing certification in project management at Humber and is fully committed to life-long learning as evidenced by her own academic pursuits.

On behalf of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the entire Humber community, let me extend my congratulations and issue a warm welcome to Melanie. We look forward to working with her on many exciting initiatives over the coming years.

Paula F. Gouveia
Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences