Regina Hartwick, Manager, Aboriginal Resource Centre

Please join me in welcoming Regina Hartwick as the first Manager of the Aboriginal Resource Centre at Humber. Regina brings with her a wealth of academic, community and student experience and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies and Psychology, and is also a graduate of Sir Sandford Fleming College’s Aboriginal Emphasis Social Service Worker program. She has an M.A from Trent University’s collaborative program in Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies, and has worked as a TA for Indigenous Studies courses, coordinated conferences and events, and implemented Aboriginal specific recruitment, support services, and training initiatives.

Regina has worked with Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations and groups to encourage partnerships, intercultural education, and overall awareness of Indigenous histories, perspectives, and teachings. In addition, she has served as an Aboriginal Project Coordinator with Carea Community Health Centre.

“I applied for the position because I was impressed by Humber’s commitment to Indigenous peoples, particularly the extent to which Humber has engaged Indigenous communities in the development of ongoing initiatives not only to ensure the success of Indigenous students, but also to the health and wellness of the families and communities that support them. Having background as a student and professional working with colleges and universities, I recognize the uniqueness of Humber’s approach, which is supported by an amazing team of Indigenous professionals. I look at every day as a new opportunity, and am excited to be a part of the Humber College community”.  

Regina is currently completing her doctoral studies in Indigenous Studies at Trent University.

Welcome Regina!


Shelley Charles, Elder
Advisor on Aboriginal Relations