Tatiana Jennings, Program Co-ordinator, Theatre Performance

I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Tatiana Jennings as program co-ordinator of Humber College’s Theatre Performance program where since 1999 she has taught courses in addition to creating and directing many original productions and adaptations. Tatiana is a leader in integrating new technologies into theatre and we look forward to the future of the program under her direction.

The depth and breadth of Tatiana’s training and professional experience reflect her vision for the theatre arts, and make her uniquely qualified for this position. She holds an MFA in Digital Futures from the Ontario College of Art and Design, where she was the recipient of the Digital Futures Outstanding Thesis Performance Award for excellence in research and creative practice. She holds a degree in theatre and film from Moscow’s Academy of Theatre Arts, where she also trained in dance, and she studied theatre directing with the renowned Russian director Anatoly Vasiliev. Tatiana appeared as a leading actor at the Tvorcheskie Masterskie (currently Meyerhold Centre for Experimental Theatre) and participated in the development of new actor training and rehearsal practices. Her solo performance piece Madame Marguerite played to sold-out audiences for three years, and she received an award for the best performance at the International Moscow Festival of Theatre Arts.

With Humber graduates, Tatiana co-founded Kadozuke Kollektif, an experimental theatre company, to develop and produce large-scale original work such as The Gulliver Project, Figaro, his Marriage and the Fine Art of Dressmaking; and Richard III, the Pleasures of Violence. From 2008 to 2013, Tatiana created a number of multimedia installations and performances for Toronto’s Nuit Blanche, including Dream Pandemic, The Desperate Tenderness of Hydraulic Displacement and The Fundamental Intransparency of LifeWorld.

Please join me in welcoming Tatiana to her new position.

Steve Bellamy
Dean, School of Creative & Performing Arts