The Neuroplasticit y Revolution

February 24, 2012 - 4:00pm
North Campus, Seventh Semester

What The Discovery That The Brain Can Change Itself Can Teach Us About Learning Possibilities

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Norman Doidge, M.D., is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, researcher, author, essayist and poet. He is on the Research Faculty at Columbia University’s Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, in New York, and the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychiatry. He is a native of Toronto.

In 2007, Doidge wrote “The Brain That Changes Itself”. In the book he described some of the latest developments in neuroscience, and became a New York Times and international bestseller. He illustrated and explained neuroplasticity, the discovery that the brain’s structure and function can be altered, under natural conditions, by mental experience. He presented the case that the discovery of this property represented the most important change in our understanding of the brain in 400 years. Doidge demonstrated new treatments for brain, psychiatric and emotional problems, and the implications of the discovery of neuroplasticity for our understanding of culture.