Webinar: Collaboration And Building Online Communities: Wikis in Blackboard

February 15, 2012 - 3:00pm

Mark Ihnat
Email: mark.ihnat@humber.ca


Have you split your class into groups but are not sure how or even when the groups will collaborate on their research? Are you having trouble monitoring how group members contribute to larger projects? Do you have subject matter that you want students to discuss outside of the classroom? Do your students need a space online to brainstorm together? Wikis can help! Wikis within Blackboard provides students a space for creating and editing interlinked documents. Using the built-in wiki tool in Blackboard, wikis can liven up any course site by encouraging students to be more engaged with course content in an online setting. This tool is ideal for brainstorming, creating outlines, building “living” documents and even event planning.

Register online.

Early registration is encouraged. Registrants will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to log into the webinar 12-24 hours prior to the session.