Criminal Justice Lecture Series

February 29, 2012 - 11:00am
Lakeshore Campus, AN 105

Learn about Career Opportunities

Interested in a career with Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services? Then this is the information session you will not want to miss. In this upcoming presentation, Anthony Streppal will provide information on:

  • Career opportunities with the Ministry
  • Requirements for different positions within the Ministry such as Correctional Officer & Probation Officer etc.
  • Hiring process:
    • Where jobs are posted
    • How to apply
    • Steps involved in the competitive process


Presented By: Anthony Streppal
Recruitment Branch, Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services of Ontario

All students and staff are welcome to attend on:

Anthony Streppal is a member of the Ministry’s recruitment team. He has extensive experience working in Provincial Corrections.