Centre for Teaching and Learning Workshop: The Flipped Classroom

October 4, 2012 - 9:55am
North Campus, Room D236

As a followup to the webinar on August 23,  come to a hands-on session, and bring a hard copy (not electronic) of content for a class that you would like to flip. This workshop will provide practical ideas, identify the technological tools needed, and start you redesigning class content using non-traditional methods. It will enable your students to increase their levels of engagement as a result of your experimentation with the flow and delivery of materials.

Time: 9:55 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

All interested faculty are welcome.

Wendy O’Brien, Liberal Arts & Sciences
Andrew Ainsworth, Coordinator Post Production, School of Media Studies and IT

Register online at: www.humber.ca/centreforteachingandlearning