The CTL Presents: "Webinar - Three Generations, One Classroom: Using Generational Theory to Understand & Motivate Your Students

February 27, 2013 - 2:45pm
North Campus, Room D236

Today’s college classroom is not filled exclusively with traditional-age students. Instead, instructors are likely to encounter traditional, adult, and returning students spanning an age range from 17 to 67 years of age. To effectively reach the three main generations you might
encounter – Baby Boom, GenX, and Millennial – you must understand who they are, how their generation shaped their motivations and expectations, and how to use this knowledge to communicate class material.

Participants will learn basic generational theory and how it applies to teaching the most common generations in the classroom. They will also explore ways to motivate each generation, taking into account the specific challenges and distractions that each group will most likely exhibit.

Participants must view the webinar in North Campus, Room D236

Facilitator: Jennifer Patterson Lorenzetti is an experienced writer, speaker, and consultant specializing in higher education, marketing research, and marketing copywriting. As a seasoned higher education administrator and veteran writer, she is passionate about helping colleges serve students more effectively.

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